Diving Into The Kinship Course

These family online classes are a one-stop-shop for Life Skills. The course is designed and scaled to the child’s age, from 4years old -16 years of age. Using joyful animated videos, we explain each skill, keeping kids focused and creating a space for conversation that they not only understand but enjoy! Once the concept and task are solidified, you each undertake active, fun and engaging tasks to help unlock your family’s full potential. We call these microhabits, and by layering in micro habits and actions, softly, you complete large changes, with little effort!

  • Why getting enough sleep is essential, and how to ensure your child (and yourself) get enough! We teach you a simple trick that will help you and your child fall asleep naturally without endless bedtime routines and strategies.

  • Explore how our worldview affects our daily experiences and why our perception may not always be true.

  • Build skills to manage big feelings and find calm in any situation

  • Foster confidence and protect our self-esteem in the age of social media.

  • Creating and managing our priorities so that we can achieve our goals.

  • Our mental and physical health benefit from activity. Discover the best ways to get our bodies moving!

  • Develop a resilient mindset so we can handle just about anything.

  • Foster self-awareness and empathy for others, so we can accept ourselves and our flaws and give others that same grace.

  • To be completed as a family for a fun, engaging, positive use of technology that connects instead of isolates.

The Journey To Healthier Habits Starts Together

No more expectations, no more confusing advice constantly shifting or changing. The Kinship Course provides you and your child with actionable skills that lead to a better, healthier, and happier life.

Ready To Start Building A Better Mindset?

Give Your Children The Life Skills For Success